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Devonport, Devon, England


Latitude: 50.3770090, Longitude: -4.1762119


Matches 1 to 50 of 113

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Kate  Abt 1851Devonport, Devon, England I3594 East Anglia 
2 ANKERS, John  1842Devonport, Devon, England I8236 Southwest 
3 ANKERS, Thomas  1812Devonport, Devon, England I8194 Southwest 
4 BABB, Charles  1839Devonport, Devon, England I8238 Southwest 
5 BABB, Henry  1837Devonport, Devon, England I8319 Southwest 
6 BABB, James  Abt 1804Devonport, Devon, England I8208 Southwest 
7 BABB, James  1834Devonport, Devon, England I8307 Southwest 
8 BABB, John George  1830Devonport, Devon, England I8320 Southwest 
9 BABB, William  1832Devonport, Devon, England I8306 Southwest 
10 BOBE, Marguerite Elizabeth  Abt 1900Devonport, Devon, England I2359 Southwest 
11 BRYANT, Jane  1811Devonport, Devon, England I8274 Southwest 
12 DAVIS, Minnie Emma  Abt 1872Devonport, Devon, England I10899 Southwest 
13 ENGLAND, Bessie B  Abt 1866Devonport, Devon, England I5855 Southwest 
14 ENGLAND, Charles  Abt 1813Devonport, Devon, England I5826 Southwest 
15 ENGLAND, Charles W  Abt 1863Devonport, Devon, England I5854 Southwest 
16 FINCH, George  Abt 1832Devonport, Devon, England I11583 Southwest 
17 FINCH, Osmond  20 Feb 1828Devonport, Devon, England I11582 Southwest 
18 GOODMAN, Archibald William  Abt 1889Devonport, Devon, England I2356 Southwest 
19 GOODMAN, Clara Louise  Abt 1887Devonport, Devon, England I2355 Southwest 
20 GOODMAN, Dorothy  Abt 1908Devonport, Devon, England I2361 Southwest 
21 GOODMAN, Frederick Charles  Abt 1883Devonport, Devon, England I2354 Southwest 
22 GOODMAN, Frederick Cyril  Abt 1908Devonport, Devon, England I2363 Southwest 
23 GOODMAN, James Peter  Abt 1857Devonport, Devon, England I2352 Southwest 
24 GOODMAN, Reginald James Mallett  Abt Aug 1880Devonport, Devon, England I2353 Southwest 
25 HOPPING, John  Abt 1822Devonport, Devon, England I5834 Southwest 
26 HORNE, Mary Ann  Abt 1862Devonport, Devon, England I8887 Southwest 
27 JOPE, Edward  Abt 1850Devonport, Devon, England I5869 Southwest 
28 JOPE, Edward Mallett  Abt 1882Devonport, Devon, England I5870 Southwest 
29 LINDEY, Sheila Alexandria  Abt Mar 1916Devonport, Devon, England I11484 Southwest 
30 LUXTON, William J H  Abt 1865Devonport, Devon, England I6295 Southwest 
31 MALLETT, Alfred George  Abt Mar 1868Devonport, Devon, England I10418 Southwest 
32 MALLETT, Alfred Sidney  12 Sep 1912Devonport, Devon, England I10870 Southwest 
33 MALLETT, Amy  Abt 1846Devonport, Devon, England I8267 Southwest 
34 MALLETT, Annie  Abt Jun 1871Devonport, Devon, England I10416 Southwest 
35 MALLETT, Annie  Abt 1902Devonport, Devon, England I10868 Southwest 
36 MALLETT, Arthur Bramwell  13 Mar 1907Devonport, Devon, England I10901 Southwest 
37 MALLETT, Beatrice A  Abt 1880Devonport, Devon, England I10422 Southwest 
38 MALLETT, Beatrice E M  31 Dec 1916Devonport, Devon, England I11144 Southwest 
39 MALLETT, Charles Henry Richard  26 Mar 1898Devonport, Devon, England I10845 Southwest 
40 MALLETT, Charles Joseph  11 Oct 1868Devonport, Devon, England I10392 Southwest 
41 MALLETT, Charlotte L  Abt 1870Devonport, Devon, England I11071 Southwest 
42 MALLETT, Edith Marion  Abt 1893Devonport, Devon, England I11269 Southwest 
43 MALLETT, Edward  Abt Sep 1846Devonport, Devon, England I10446 Southwest 
44 MALLETT, Elizabeth  Abt 1835Devonport, Devon, England I4557 Southwest 
45 MALLETT, Elizabeth E  Abt 1875Devonport, Devon, England I10423 Southwest 
46 MALLETT, Elizabeth P  Abt 1862Devonport, Devon, England I11070 Southwest 
47 MALLETT, Ellen Eliza  Abt 1888Devonport, Devon, England I11268 Southwest 
48 MALLETT, Ellen K  Abt Jun 1920Devonport, Devon, England I11145 Southwest 
49 MALLETT, Elsie Ellen Beatrice  Abt 1908Devonport, Devon, England I11141 Southwest 
50 MALLETT, Emma Elizabeth  Abt 1910Devonport, Devon, England I11142 Southwest 

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID   Tree 
1 PHILLIPS, Amelia  4 Sep 1820Devonport, Devon, England I8397 Southwest 


Matches 1 to 11 of 11

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 FINCH, Charles  6 Jun 1856Devonport, Devon, England I11538 Southwest 
2 GEDDYE, Nicholas  5 Sep 1820Devonport, Devon, England I4409 Southwest 
3 HANCOCK, Honor  9 Nov 1846Devonport, Devon, England I4543 Southwest 
4 LOCH, Sophia Charlotte  25 Nov 1911Devonport, Devon, England I209 Central 
5 MALLET, Mary  4 Jun 1865Devonport, Devon, England I10202 Southwest 
6 MALLET, Selina  8 Mar 1922Devonport, Devon, England I94 Central 
7 MALLETT, Alfred George  Jun 1925Devonport, Devon, England I10418 Southwest 
8 MALLETT, George Henry  Abt Dec 1898Devonport, Devon, England I4556 Southwest 
9 MALLETT, Mahala Bastard  1904Devonport, Devon, England I8201 Southwest 
10 MALLETT, Rebecca  1899Devonport, Devon, England I8199 Southwest 
11 RICE, Mary Ann  Abt Dec 1909Devonport, Devon, England I5836 Southwest 


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 MALLETT, Edwin  Abt 1860Devonport, Devon, England I5833 Southwest 
2 MALLETT, Eliza  Abt 1860Devonport, Devon, England I8284 Southwest 
3 MALLETT, James William  Abt 1851Devonport, Devon, England I8195 Southwest 
4 MALLETT, John James  Abt 1862Devonport, Devon, England I5837 Southwest 
5 MALLETT, Joseph  Abt 1832Devonport, Devon, England I10343 Southwest 


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Census    Person ID   Tree 
1 MALLETT, John Henry  1851Devonport, Devon, England I8096 Southwest 
2 MALLETT, Samuel Henry  3 Apr 1881Devonport, Devon, England I10499 Southwest 
3 MALLETT, Samuel Richard  3 Apr 1881Devonport, Devon, England I8856 Southwest 
4 MALLETT, William Henry  3 Apr 1881Devonport, Devon, England I6236 Southwest 

Military Service

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Military Service    Person ID   Tree 
1 MALLETT, Benjamin  16 Nov 1905Devonport, Devon, England I9411 Southwest 
2 MALLETT, William  6 Sep 1899Devonport, Devon, England I9748 Southwest 
3 MALLETT, William Joseph  26 Nov 1905Devonport, Devon, England I10311 Southwest 


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Military-End    Person ID   Tree 
1 MALLETT, William Joseph  8 Aug 1917Devonport, Devon, England I10311 Southwest 


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID   Tree 
1 BABB, James  1832Devonport, Devon, England I8208 Southwest 
2 BABB, James  1837Devonport, Devon, England I8208 Southwest 
3 ENGLAND, Charles  1871Devonport, Devon, England I5826 Southwest 
4 ISAAC, William Henry  1834Devonport, Devon, England I8210 Southwest 
5 MALLETT, John Hulke  1829Devonport, Devon, England I8098 Southwest 


Matches 1 to 13 of 13

   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 BUTLAND / MALLETT  Abt Dec 1914Devonport, Devon, England F1671 Southwest 
2 MALLETT / EDWARDS  Abt Jun 1929Devonport, Devon, England F3481 Southwest 
3 MALLETT / FITZPATRICK  Abt Sep 1916Devonport, Devon, England F3483 Southwest 
4 MALLETT / LEWIS  Abt Jun 1935Devonport, Devon, England F3405 Southwest 
5 MALLETT / MUDGE  Abt Jun 1906Devonport, Devon, England F3478 Southwest 
6 MALLETT / PAGE  Abt Dec 1920Devonport, Devon, England F3479 Southwest 
7 MALLETT / RICHARDS  Abt Mar 1926Devonport, Devon, England F3409 Southwest 
8 MALLETT / RIELLY  Abt Dec 1921Devonport, Devon, England F3403 Southwest 
9 MALLETT / STRAUGHAN  Abt Mar 1934Devonport, Devon, England F3711 Southwest 
10 MALLETT / STREET  Abt Dec 1906Devonport, Devon, England F3482 Southwest 
11 SMITH / BOBE  Abt Sep 1920Devonport, Devon, England F3334 Southwest 
12 WALKER / MALLETT  Abt Jun 1931Devonport, Devon, England F3744 Southwest 
13 WILSON / MALLETT  Abt Jun 1935Devonport, Devon, England F3745 Southwest