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Name Alice BASSET Birth Est 1172 Headington, Oxfordshire, England [1]
Gender Female Note
Aft 1172 [2] - Excerpt from "Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family", by Arthur Malet, published 1885, pp 77-83, appendix KK1-KK9:
William, the last of the Barons Malet of Somerset, succeeded his father Gilbert some time after 1189. The exact date is not known, but he must have been in possession 1196, for we learn from Sir A.M.'s MSS., vol. i, sup., p. 36, that he was in Normandy with King Richard in 1195, and that in the ensuing year he paid L. 100 for livery of his inheritance, probably not very long after the death of his father. He married Alicia, the daughter of Thomas Lord Basset,* of whose family we learn** that "in subordination to Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, Henry [the First] raised up a set of novi homines, many of whom were, in nobility of blood, below the ideal standard of the ruling race, but who, though not among the tenants in chief of Domesday, were of good Norman descent; of these Geoffrey de Clinton and Ralph Basset were two of Henry's principal justices; the latter founded a great legal family."
With his wife he received as her dower the Manor of Coliton in Devon. A deed of gifts*** by her to the religious house of Bradley in Wilts, bears a seal consisting of a circle in which are two seals with the ends opposite to one another; the upper shield has the arms of Malet, viz., ermine, a lion passant; the second is barry wavy for Basset; round the seal is inscribed "Sigillum Aliciae Malet, filiae Thomae Basset." By his wife William Malet had two daughters, his co-heiresses, Mabel and Helewise.
Mabel, one of his co-heiresses, married Hugh de Vivonia, and was by him an ancestress of the Beauchamps, for+ their son William de Vivonia, called "de Fortibus," married Matilda de Kymedaughter of one of the heirs of Sibylla de Ferrariis, one of the daughters, heirs of William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke.++ Their eldest daughter married Reginald Fitzpeter, son of Mathew, Lord of Wolverton. Their second daughter Cecilia, the eventual heiress, married John de Bellecampo of Somerset. It is from the deed of recognition of her service due to the Abbot of Glastonbury+++ as inheriting the possessions of William Baron Malet, that we learn what service had been done to the Abbey from the barons of that name. . . . From this union, three generations intervening, came Cicely, one of the coheiresses of John Beauchamp, Lord of Hache. Of her marriage with Sir Roger Seymour sprang, after six generations, Jane Seymour,# Queen of Henry VIII, the mother of Edward VI, and her brother, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector of England.
Helewise, the other daughter and co-heiress of William, married Hugh Poyntz; and secondly, Robert Mucegros. From the first marriage descended the rest of the distinguished family of that name. In the Malet pedigree drawn up in the Herald's College, in the next three generations the representative of the Poyntz family is styled Lord of Cory Malet. This leads to the supposition that Helewise must have been William Lord Malet's eldest daughter, as Cory Malet being held of the King in capite must have been the principal holding, and would naturally have descended to the senior co-heiress.
The public life of William Lord Malet was very distinguished. It may be that he as Willus: Malet de Gerarville was one of the twenty-eight nobles who swore to the observance of the treaty between Richard I and the Count of Flanders in 1197.## But M. Andre' Borle' d'Hauterive in the Revue Historique' de la Noblesse### claims this signature as that of William the son of Ernest Malet; but as he claims this son of Ernest to be also the signatory to the Magna Carta, I hardly know what authority to attribute to him.
I learn nothing more of William Malet in the reign of Richard, but in 4 John, A.D. 1204,% he paid to the King one hundred shillings for liberty to sue Wm. de Evermue for the Lordship of Swinton. In 1211 he was made Sheriff of Dorset and Somerset, which office he held for nearly four years. To this period the acknowledgment of service due to the Priory of Bruton by Henry de Careville must belong.%% In 15 John, A.D. 1214, he served the King with ten knights and twenty soldiers in discharge of some pecuniary liability to the Crown, which however was not fully defrayed, for we find an order in the 3rd year of Henry III%%% directing that payment of 2,000 marks be required from Hugh de Vivonia and Robert Mucegros his sons-in-law, but allowing a deduction of L.50 for the services of the aforesaid knights and soldiers.
In 1215 William Malet was one of the twenty-five Barons names as guarantors for the due observance by King John of the Magna Carta.^ Then followed the war with the King, the calling in of aid from France, and the termination of the dissensions by the death of John in his march northwards. William Malet's estates had been confiscated, and he himself, with thirty other nobles, was personally excommunicate by the Pope.^^ I know not if he recovered all of his confiscated possessions during his lifetime, which must have closed at the beginning of the reign of Henry III, but there is an extract from a deed of this Baron by which he gives for the good of his soul land in Cumpton and Baddekera to the convent of Athelwine, in which he designates himself as William Malet son of Gilbert Malet; and among the witnesses are his two brothers Robert and Ralph.%% It is not improbable that this deed was executed shortly before his death, and if so he must have been in possession. In Sir A.M.'s MSS.^^^ there is an entry of Sir Wm. Pole's, but I do not know on what authority that "Baron W. Malet being in arms against K. John, much of his lands in Somerset, Dorset, and Surrey were given to Hugh de Vivonia; and Dadington, com: Oxon: to Thos. Basset, whose daughter Alice he had married having with her that Lordship; but having afterwards made his peace, 9 Henry II [A.D. 1225], his lands were given to the husbands of his daughters after his death." I cannot reconcile this date with that in KK 7 (%%), which gives the date 3 Henry III, A.D. 1219, to the requisition on the sons-in-law to pay the debt owed by William Malet to the Crown, a demand which could not have been made until they had come into possession of the property after the death of their father-in-law.
Collinson$ informs us that Curry Malet, where they had a castle, was the principal residence of the Barons Malet. Curry Malet was held in capite of the King, and Shepton Malet of the Abbot of Glastonbury. Roger de Corcelle had made the two manors of the former into one, so that it was a place of some importance. There is an altar tomb at Curry Malet, of which Collinson writes: "In the north aisle of the church [of St. James] is a large tomb, in which are deposited the remains of one of the family of Malet, but the inscriptions are quite illegible. About 60 years since on opening this tomb the corpse was found entire, with one of the legs drawn up, which corresponds with the tradition that the person interred therein had a contracted leg." It seems to me that this tradition may have arisen from a previous examination of the tomb at some former removal. In company with my brother O. Warre Malet, at the invitation of the Rev. Leigh Pemberton, we inspected the tomb; it was in a very inconvenient place between the pulpit and the next pillar, to which (as evident from the cuttings which had been made to fit some prior site) it had not formerly belonged; it was said to have been in the churchyard previously to its removal into this situation; it was therefore probably at first in the church, then in the churchyard, and then in the church again. It has now been again moved to a place in the north aisle near the east window, but with a space all round so that it can be examined on all sides; no trace even of inscription is now visible.
At Shepton Malet in the church are two effigies of knights in complete armour; they are in the north aisle, one on the cill [sic] of the east, the other on the cill of the west window; they are rather narrow, and it is supposed were originally placed in canopied recesses in the wall of the church. Mr. Farbrother in his History of Shepton Mallet, page 64, thus describes them as then existing; excepting as to the site the description is perfectly accurate at the present day; at page 64 he writes: "The mutilated effigies of two knights traditionally reported to be two of the Malet family, who were engaged in the crusade to the Holy Land in the time of Henry II, are all that remain of monuments of archaeological interest; they are coeval with the earlier portions of the church, and exhibit fine specimens of sculpture of the period. The figure in the north aisle is clad in chain mail and surcoat; the right arm is extended and rests upon a long heater-shaped shield, which, suspended by a guige or strap, is borne upon the left arm; the legs are crossed, and the scabbard of the sword is visible between the broken feet. The figure in the south aisle has similar accoutrements, the legs crossed, and the feet rest upon a lion; a naked sword with the point upwards lies on the right side. "According to the rules of heraldry, those who died in battle of the victorious party were represented with their swords naked, the points upward on the right side, and their shields on their left, with their helmets on their heads."
I see no reason to call in question the truth of the tradition that the tomb and the effigies were of members of the Malet family; both towns were the property of the Malets for four generations after Gilbert Malet the contemporary of William the Conqueror; they were men of great rank and possessions, and would naturally bestow such honour as was customary on their relatives who died in the Holy Land; and their own tombs would also be of more than common magnificence. Their successors also were men of rank and consequence; so that if these effigies at Shepton and the tomb at Curry belonged to them, it seems certain that their names instead of the Malets would have traditionally attached to them.
This branch of the family had brief but brilliant existence: the three last in the male line being one William,
a recognitor of the Constitutions of Clarendon; the next Gilbert the Seneschal; the last, William one of the guarantors of Magna Carta; whose two heiresses at its close became ancestresses of the families of Beauchamp and Poyntz. Of the former came Jane Seymour, the Queen of Henry VIII, her son, King Edward VI, and the Duke of Somerset the Lord Protector.
* She married Thomas Sanford, and thirdly Thomas Biset.
** Stubbs' Constitutional History of England, vol.i, cap. x, p. 313.
*** Sciant, etc., quod Ego Alicia Basset in ligea viduitate mea pro salute animae meae D'ni Johannis Biset et antecessorum meorum dedi religiosae domui de Bradleghe, etc., septem homines in manerio meo de Whitford in cujus rei testimonium sigillum meum appomi. Test: D'no Wymundo de Raleghe, D'no Ada Muscell, D'no Roberto de Shiel, D'no Will'o de Widworthy. The attached seal is described in the text.
+ Sir A.M.'s MSS., vol. i, sup. 2, p. 40.
++ This Matilda had for her first husband Simon de Kyme, and after the death of William de Fortibus married as her third husband Emericus de Rupe Cavardi.
+++ From Sir. A.M.'s MSS., from a portion copied from Sir Wm. Pole's MS.
In nostris excerptis ex registro Glaston.
Recognitio D'nae Celciliae de Bellocampo de servito decem magnorum feodorum debet Eccl'ae Glaston.
Anno Regni Regis Edwardi [primi] 15'o, [A.D. 1287] mense Decembri, convenit inter Johannem Abbatem Glaston, et ejusdem loci conventum ex parte una, et D'na Cecilia de Bellocampo Dominam de Dunden, unam haeredum D'ni Willelmi de Fortibus, et altera. Scilicet, q'd cum praedictus Abbas peteret a praedicta Cecilia servitium 10 feodorum militum de magnis feodis de manerio suo de Dunden membris et pertinentiis suis quae tenet nomine Purpartis suae de praedicto Abbate et monasterio suo Glaston de haereditate praedicta. Eadem Cecilia regonovit pro se et haered. suis se tenere praedictum manerium cum membris et appendiciis suis de praedicto Abbate et conventu et monasterio suo Glaston, pro octo magnis feodis militum tantum. Et praedicta Cecilia benevult et concedit pro se et haered. suis q'd praedictus Abbas et Conventus et successores sui appropriare sibi possent in servito ut in dominico medietatem--1-- feodi militis in Ayeshcote de uno feodo militis quod Richardus de Chelton de ea tenuit in eadem villa et alibi quiete, absque jure, clameo, vel demando, dictae Ceciliae et haeredum suorum in perpetuum. Et ulterius ipsa Cecilia et haeredes sui tenent praed. manerium de Dunden cum membris et appendiciis suis pro octo magnis feodis militum tantum in perpetuum. Et praedictus Ricardus de Chelton et haeredes sui de caetero respondeant et intendant eidem Ceciliae et haeredibus suis de medietate unius feodi militis in Chelton, et alibi praeter Ayeshcote ut in wardis, homagiis, relevis, scutagiis, auxiliis, et aliis servitiis inde debitis et consuetis. Nec propter hoc excludatur praed. Abbas et Conventus vel successores sui qui possunt distringere in praedicto dominico feodo sicut in aliis feodis praedictis pro releviis auxiliis scutagis et aliis servitiis si quae sibi a retro fuerint de dicta Cecilia vel haeredibus suis. De alio vero medietate, scilicet in Ayeshcote eisdem Abbati et Conventui dictus Ricardus et haeredes sui de caetero sunt respondentes, ut praedictum est. Tenentes vero Manerii de Shepton Malet cum membris et appendiciis suis praeter praedicta octo feoda in Dunden eidem Abbati et Monasterio suo praedicto respondeant de servitio duorum magnorum feodorum militum tantum sicut prius consuevereunt. Nec intelligendum est q'd octo feoda militum in Corscumbe aut alia feoda vel tenementa alibi quae Dominus Hugo Poynz tenet de haereditate Willielmi Malet de praedicto Abbate sint de haereditate praedicti Willielmi de Fortibus, licet quondam Willielmus Malet aliquando ea tenuit ut dicitur. Et hoc idem praedicta Cecilia per praesentem scripturam pro se et haeredibus suis recognescens testatur. Et sciendum est quod praedictus Abbas et Conventus et successores sui de caetero clamere non possunt de praedicta Cecilia vel haeredibus suis nisi servitia decem magnorum feodorum militum de tota haereditate praedicti Willielmi de Fortibus, scilicet de Dunden membri et appendiciis suis servitia octo magnorum feodorum militum: et de Shepton Malet membris et appendiciis suis servitia duorum magnorum feodroum militum. In cujs rei testimonium huic scripto in modum chirographicon facto tam praedictus Abbas et Conventus quam praedicta Cecilia sigilla sua alternatim apposuere. Hujus testibus: Dominius Johanne de Columbariis, Humfredo de Kael, Gilberto de Cnouile, Simone de Forney, Galfrido de Stawel, Militibus; Will'o Cricket, Will'o de Faveler, Ric'o Pyke, Alexandro de la Lynde, Will'o le Border, Rogero le Blunt, et aliis.
# Froude's History of England, Vol. III, p. 260.
"A worse misfortune could scarcely have befallen the King (unless the loss of the child had been added to that of the mother) than the death of Jane Seymour. Although she makes no figure in history, though she took no part in state questions, and we know little either of her sympathies or opinions, her name is mentioned by both Protestant and Catholic with unreserved respect. She married the King under circumstances peculiarly agitating, without preparation, without attachment either on her part or on his, but under the pressure of a sudden and tragical necessity. Her uprightness of character and sweetness of disposition had earned her husband's esteem, and with his esteem an affection deeper than he had perhaps anticipated. At her side, at his own death, he desired that his body might be laid."
## Rymer's Foedera, Vol. I, p. 68, A.D. 1197, 8 Richard I.
Confederatio facta inter Ricardum Regem Angliae et Baldwynum, Comitem Flandriae de auxilio hinc inde contra Regem Franciae praestando imperpetuam inter eos et inter haeredes eorum. . . qui juraverunt in praesentia dicti Regis Angliae et dicti Comitis Flandriae. Among twenty-eight names occurs Willielmus Malet de Geravill.
### Revue Historique de la Noblesse, Andre Borel d'Hauterive, Tom. I, p. 375.
Ernest Malet, Sire de Graville, etant fils de Guillaume II; il eut pour femme Adele, de la race des Comtes de Glocester, Sires de Thorigny. [Here he names other Malets as then existing.] Le Pere Anselme quoiqu'il mentionne le nom Guillaume II pere d'Ernest qu'a` partir de ce degre'. Ernest eut entre autres enfans--
I'o Robert Malet, Sire de Gravile, qui suit.
2'o Guillaume Malet de Gerardivilla ou Graville, qui signa en 1197, avec Guillaume de Mortemar, Le Comte Meulan, et autres seigneurs, la confederation formee par Richard Roi d'Angleterre et Baudoin Comte de Flandres contre Philippe Auguste. C'est a lui sans doute qu'il faut rapporter la donation faite par Guillaume Malet de Graville a l'Eglise de St. Honorine rapportee en entier dans le Neustria Pia, p. 864, commencee ainsi, "omnibus ad quos presens carta perveniret Guillelmus Malet de Gerardivilla." Elle fut confermee par l'Archeveque de Rouen en 1203. En 1214 il fut avec les grands feudatoires de Normandie et d'Angleterre garant pour le Roi Jean de la paix juree entree ce Prince et le Roi de France. L'annee suivante il est au nombre des Barons signataires de la Grande Charte d'Angleterre, et se retrouva dans la bulle d'excommunication lancee par le Pape Innocent contre ces Seigneurs pour avoir tente de deposer leur Roi ce que n'appartient qu'a l'Eglise Romaine.
% Sir A.M.'s MSS., vol. i, sup. i, p. 38
%% Extracts from a copy of Sir Wm Pole's Collection re Family of Malet.
Quae sequuntur Chartae de Familia Maletorum descriptae sunt ex registro MS. Prioratus de Bruton in agro Somerset.
P. 19 in nostris excerptis ex isto registro.
Omnibus, etc., Henricus de Careville, sal. Noverit universitas vestra me in pleno comitatu de Yvelcester recognovisse quod ego et omnes homines mei debemus sequi Hundredum de Bruton quod est Canonicorum ejusdem loci sicut antecessores mei fecerunt et sicut omnes milites et liberi tenentes ad jam dictum Hundredum pertinentes facimus vel facere debent hanc autum recognitionem feci Dei et B. Mariae et Canonicis ejusdem loci Willielmo Malet tuch existente Vicecomte et Rogero de Reynes subvicecomite. Hujus testibus: W. de Montacuto, Ricardo Rivello, Waltero de Asselegh, H. Lupello, Gervas de Sparkford, Will'o Godemanston, H. de Campoflorido, Johanne filio Ricardi, Will'o de Dreycot, et Waltero de Legh. Without date.
%%% Rex baronibus Scaccarii salutem. Sciatis quod protestatum est coram nobis et consilio nostro quod Will'us Malet habuit cum Domino Johanne Rege patri nostro in exercitu suo, cum ultimo fuisset in Pictavia a die Purificationis Beatae Mariae Virginis usque ad Festum Beati Dionisii utraque die computata, decem milites quorum cujuslibet liberatio computanda est per diem ad duos solidos; et habuit idem Will'us in eodem exercitu per idem tempus viginti servientes, quorum cujuslibet liberatio computanda est per idem ad vij'd unde summa est quingentae librae, et ideo vobis mandamus quatenus in demand: duorum millium marcarum de debito ejusdem Will'i id exigatur ad opus nostrum de Hugone de Vivonia et Rob't de Mucegros, qui duas filias et haeredes ipsius Will'i habent in uxores, eisdem Hugoni et Roberto praedict: quingentas libras computetis. Ita quod praedicti Hugo et Robetus de Illis 500 li: sint quieti. Teste meipso apud Wes'm 22 Oc't anno praedicto.
^ After Magna Carta we find--
De xxv Baronibus qui constituti sunt a rege emendatores legum praedictarum.
Cum autem pro Deo et ad emendationem regni nostri et ad melius sopiendam discordiam inter nos et barones nostros [ortam] haec omnia concesserimus, volentes ea integra et firma stabilitate gaudere facimus et concedimus eis securitatem subscriptam: videlicet, quod Barones eligant viginta quinque barones de regno nostro quos voluerint, qui debeant pro totis viribus suis observare tenere et facere observari pacem et libertates quas eis concessimus, et hac praesenti carta nostra confirmavimus; ita scilicet quodsi nos vel justiciarii nostri [vel ballivi nostri] erga aliquem in aliquo deliquerimus; vel aliquem articulorum pacis et securitatis transgressi fuerimus, et delictum fuerit ostensum quatuor baronibus de viginti quinque baronibus, illi quatuor barones accedent ad nos vel ad justiciarium nostrum, si fuerimus extra regnum, proponentes nobis excessum petent ut sine dilatione faciamus emendari, et si nos excessum non emendaverimus, vel justicarius noster si fuerimus extra regnum infra tempus quadraginta dierum computandum a tempore quo monstratum fuerit nobis, praedicti quatuor barones cum communa totius terrae distringent et gravabunt nos modis omnibus quibus poterunt; scilicet per captionem castrorum terrarum possessionum et aliis modis quibus poterunt, donec fuerit emendatum secundum arbitrium eorum ; salva persona nostra et reginae nostrae et liberorum nosttorum. Et cum fuerit emendatum intendent nobis sicut prius fecerunt. [Here follow the provisions for a majority of the twenty-five to act, the four castles to be given up to them, aliens to be removed, etc.] Data per manum nostram in prato quod vocatur Runningemade, intra Stanes et Windleshore, decima quinta die Junii anno regni nostri decimo septimo.
Isti sunt xxv barones electi:--
Comes de Clare, Comes Albemarle, Comes Gloverniae, Comes Wintoniae, Comes Herefordiae, Comes Rogerus [Bigod], Comes Robertus [de Vere], Comes Marescallus junior, Robertus filius Walteri, Gilebertus de Clare, Eustachius de Vesci, Hugo Bigod, Willelmus de Munbrai, Major de Londoniis [Wm Hardel], Wil- lelmus de Lanval, Robertus de Ros, Constabularius Cestriae, Ricardus de Perci, Johannes filius Roberti, Willelmus Malet, Galfridus de Say, Rogerus de Munbrai, Willelmus de Huntinge- feld, Ricardus de Muntfichet, Willelmus de Albineto. Isti viginti quinque barones juraverunt in animabus suis, rege hoc disponente quod omni instantia haec obsequerentur et regem cogerent si forte resipisci vellet hoc tenere.
Rymer's Foedera, Vol.I, Part I, p. 139.
A.D. 1215, A'o 17 Johan. Innocentius Episcopus et Abbati de Albendune, Archidiacono Pictaviensi, et Magistro Roberto Officiali Norwicensis Ecclesiae, salutem.
Ad vestram volumus pervenire notitiam quod nos nuper in generali concilio constituti excommunicavimus et anathemisavimus ex parte Omnipotentis Dei Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti authoritate quoque beati Petri et Pauli Apostolorum ejus, ac nostra, Barones Angliae cum adjutoribus et fautoribus suis, qui Johannem illustrem Regem Anglorum cruce signatum et vassallum Romanae Ecclesiae persequuntur; molientes ei regnum auferre quod ad Romam Ecclesiam dignoscitur pertinere.
Insuper excommunicamus et anathematisamus omnes illos qui ad occupandum vel invadendum regnum ipsum aut impediendum euntes in ejusdem regis succursum operam vel opem impenderunt.
Et terras eorundem Baronum Ecclesiastico subjicimus interdicto.
Aggravamus etiam in eosdem fortius manus nostras si nec sic a suo destiterint iniquo proposito cum in hac parte pejores sint Saracenis, decernentes si quis clericus cujuscunque dignitatis aut ordinis praedictas excommunicationis aut interdicti sententias violare praesumpserit anathematis se sciat mucrone percussum et non quantocius praesipuerit ab omni officio et beneficio deponendum.
Quo circa discretione vestra per Apostolico scripta praecipiendo mandamus, quatenus per totam Angliam publicare faciatis praescripta, eademque faciatis authoritate nostra, sublato cujuslibet conditionis et appellationis obstaculo inviolabiliter observari.
Volumus etiam nihilominus et mandamus ut quosdam barones Angliae quos venerabilis pater noster Wintoniensis Episcopus et dilecti filii Abbas de Reding et Magister Pandulphus Subdiaconus et familiaris noster deligati a nobis excommunicatos personaliter nominaverunt quia ipsos in praescriptis culpabiles invenerunt videlicet cives illos Londinenses qui fuerunt principales praenominatae perversitatis auctores.
Robertum filium Walteri, S. Comitem Winton, R. filium ejus, G. de Mandavilla et Will'm fratrem ejus; Com. de Clare, G. filium ejus, H. Com. de Hereford, R. de Percy, E. de Vesci, I. Constabularium Cestriae, Will'm de Mumbray, Will'm de Albineto , W. filium ejus, R. do Ros et W. filium ejus, P. de Brus, R. de Cresci, Johannem filium ejus, Ranulphum filium Roberti, R. Com. Bigod, H. filium ejus , R. de Ver, Fulconem filium Warini, W. Malet, W. de Monte acuto, W. filium Marescalli, W. de Bellocampo, S. de Kime, R. de Monte Begonis, Nicolaum de Stutevilla. Necnon et alios in praedictorum judicum sententia nominatim expressos cum complicibus et fautoribus eorundem auctoritate apostolica ex- communicatos per totam Angliam publice denuntiari faciatis: et ab omnibus arctius evitari singulis diebus Dominicis et festivis solenniter innovari hujusmodi sententiam facientes ac denuntiantes inviolabitier observari: civitatemque Londinensem ecclesiastico suppositam interdicto; contradictores per censuram ecclesiasticam appellatione postposita compescendo.
Magistrum etiam Gervasium Londinensem Cancellarium qui sicut a judicibus praefatis accepimus dicti regis et suorum mani- festissimus exstitit persecutor excommunicatum publice denunciatis ac suspensum graviori etiam poena nisi congrue satisfecerit puniendum.
Quodsi vos omnes, etc.
Datum Laterani decimo septimo Calendas Januarii, Pontificatus nostri anno decimo octavo.
^^^ Vol. i, sup. i, p. 39.
$ Vol. iii, p. 462.
SW Group A UKC 1881 N Alternate Name Alice Malet Person ID I7011 Southwest Last Modified 24 Jan 2010
Father Thomas BASSET, b. Est 1147 Family ID F3914 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family William MALET, b. Est 1172, Curry Mallet, Somerset, England d. Abt 1219, Curry Mallet, Somerset, England
(Age ~ 47 years)
Marriage Est 1197 [1] Children 1. Helewise MALET, b. Est 1198, Curry Mallet, Somerset, England 2. Mabel MALET, b. Est 1200, Curry Mallet, Somerset, England 3. Bertha MALET, b. Est 1202, Curry Mallet, Somerset, England Family ID F2215 Group Sheet | Family Chart
- Excerpt from "Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family", by Arthur Malet, published 1885, pp 77-83, appendix KK1-KK9:
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Sources - [S1806] Malet, G. E. G., "The Origin of the Malets of Enmore", The Genealogists' Magazine Volume 8, No. 6 (June 1939), Page(s) 316-324., M8B908S397.
- [S1780] Arthur Malet, Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family (St. Martin's Lane, London, England: Harrison & Sons, MDCCCLXXXV (1885).), pp 77-83, appendix KK1-KK9, M8W994S136.
- [S1806] Malet, G. E. G., "The Origin of the Malets of Enmore", The Genealogists' Magazine Volume 8, No. 6 (June 1939), Page(s) 316-324., M8B908S397.