- Arthur Malet, in "Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family", (1885), did not recognize the existence of William Malet = Maud de Kitemore - he has William = Sara de Sully as the son of Baldwin, whereas G. E. G. Malet, in "The Origin of the Malets of Enmore" (1938-39), has him as a grandson of Baldwin. Burke's Peerage follows the latter.
- Excerpt from "Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family", by Arthur Malet, published 1885, p 28-29, Appendices E1, E2:
"William Malet, the son of Baldwin, married Sara, the daughter of Raymund de Sully, as we learn from a deed* of Henry Lord de Modyford. His deed conveying the farm of Hethcumbe to his wife Sara,** is dated in the 36 Henry III (A.D. 1252); he probably died about that time. He left issue by his wife Sara, William his heir.
* Sir A.M.'s MSS., Vol I, Sup. II, p.4.
Henricus Dnus. de Moydford concedit Will'o. Malet Dno. de Enemere duas ferlingas terrae in villa de Modyford in liberum maritagium cum Sara filia Dni Raymundi de Sully. Tests, Joho. de
Erlya. Without date; seal, a rose.
** Ibid. Sciant, etc., quod ego Willelmus Malet dominus de Enemere dedi dilectae uxori meae Sarae totam firmam meam de Hethcumba adeo plene ut continetur in chirographo Magistri
Willi: de Sutton. Teste, Dno. Waltero de Sully, Mattheo de Furneaux, et aliis; 36'o Regis Henrici filii Johannis. [A.D. 1252.]"
Arthur Malet did not recognize the existence of William Malet = Maud de Kitemore - he has William = Sara de Sully as the son of Baldwin, whereas G. E. G. Malet, in "The Origin of the Malets of Enmore", has him as a grandson of Baldwin. Burke's Peerage has the same.