- Excerpt from "Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family", by Arthur Malet, published 1885 p 30-31, Appendices G1, G2, G3, G4, G5:
Baldwin Malet, son of William and Maria, inherited Enmore from his father. I find no mention of the date of his succession, the first deed bearing his name being in the 45 Henry III, A.D. 1261, * which, as it is dated, I place first in the Appendix. The next deed,** without date, was evidently drawn up after the marriage of Roger de Claville and Baldwin Malet respectively with Johanna and Mabel, the daughters and co-heiresses of Hamelyn de Deandon; it provides for an exchange of land, Roger de Claville taking Deandon in Devonshire, and Baldwin Malet Lidyard in Somerset. Collinson, in his History of Somerset, vol. iii, p. 496, states that "St. Audries [West Quantokshead] was held in the time of King John by William de Punchardon, of the castle of Dunster. At his death this William left several daughters, heiresses to his possessions, of whom Aubrea was married to Hamelyn de Deandon of Deandon in Devon, by whom she had a son named Thomas, who died without issue, and two daughters, Mabel, wife of Sir Baldwin Malet of Enmore, and Joan, wife of Roger de Claville; in the partition of the estates this part became the property of Malet."
Roger de Claville and his wife Joan died without issue, and their manor of Deandon became the property of Baldwin and Mabel;*** the deed showing this is not dated.
There are extant two deeds of Mabel Malet's, from which we find that she survived her husband: one undated, yet marked by Sir W. Pole of the time of Edward I;+ the other bearing date 14 Edward I, A.D. 1286.++
We learn from Sir W. Pole (Sir A.M.'s MSS, vol i, sup. 2,pp.1 and 2) that the coat of arms, Azure three escallops Or, was properly the coat of the Deandons of Devonshire, which was assumed by the Malets of Enmore on the marriage of Baldwin with the heiress of Deandon, and from that time has been constantly used by all the Malets.
By his wife Mabilia, Baldwin had issue John his heir. I find at this time also a Robert Malet, who, from the arms he used, and the time at which he lived, appears to have been a son of Baldwin. As he was a man of much distinction I must not omit him; but as a younger son, who does not enter into the line of descent, I have included him in this chapter instead of separating him in the mode I have adopted for the elder sons, and all those who come in the direct line.
* Sir A. M.'s MSS., Vol.I, Sup.II, p. 17.
Convenio facta a: Henrici filii Regis Johannis 45 [A.D. 1261] inter Dominum Baldwinum Malet Militem, ex una parte, et Guidonem de Canton ex altera, de communi pastura in Enemere coram Thoma Trivet et sociis suis Justiciariis D'ni Regis Henrici filii Johannis, anno regni sui 45. Tes't Waltero de Sully, Simone Meriet, Militibus, Will'o de Beare, Richardo filio Bernardi, Rogero de Gothhurst, Rob'to de Blackmore, Rob'to Bercy de Ham, Will'o Russel, Joh'o de Heighton, Joh'o Everard, unde idem Baldwinus arriavit Jura't, 24 milites, coram Roberto de Walerond ad hoc praeceptum Regis.
** Sir A. M.'s MSS., Vol.I, Sup.II, p. 5.
Haec est conventio facta inter Rogerum de Claville et Johannum uxorem ex parte una, et Baldwinum Malet et Mabilia uxorem ex altera, de terris quae fuere Hamelini Deandon patris praedictarum Johannae et Mabiliae, viz., Rogerus et Johanna concesserunt praedictis Baldwino et Mabiliae partem suam de Lidyard super ratione part: haereditat: dicti Hamelini et praedicti Baldwinus et Mabilia concessere Rogero et Johannae terram de Deandon. Test: Dno. Reginaldo de Mohun, Dno Stephano Bauzun, Dno. Waltero Giffard, Dno Henrico de Sully, Dno Will'o de Widworthy, Dno Rogero de Reigny, Dno Johanne Arundel.
*** Sir A.M.'s MSS., Vol. I, Sup.I, p. 15.
Nov., etc. Quod cum Baldwinus Malet et Mabilia uxor nuper implacitassent Dom'm Rogerum Claville per Breve Mortanteces- soris de manerios de Deandon in cum: Devon, praed: Rogerus recognovit manerium preadictum esse jus praed'm Mabiliae quae ei descendebat per mortem Johannae de Claville sorosis dictae Mabiliae. Test: Dno Hen'r de Chambernon, Joh'n Preverel, Militibus Hugone Everard, Reymundo Malet, Gilberto de Wellington. Sans date, Henry III.
+ Sir A.M.'s MSS., Vol. I, Sup.I, p. 15.
Ego Mabilia quondam uxor Baldwini Malet, Militis, in pura viduitate concessi manerium meum de Bracton in com. Devon. Thomae de Tynworth. Sans date, Edward I.
++ Mabilia Malet et Tho's de Pyn tenuer: de Joh'n de Mohun defuncto sine medio dimid: feod: mil: in Lydiard Punchardon. 14 Edward I. [A.D. 1286.]