- Excerpt from "Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family", by Arthur Malet, published 1885, p 32-33. Appendices H1, H2:
John Malet, the son of Baldwin and Mabilia, succeeded his father before the year 1286. He married Sibylla, the daughter of Sir Robert St. Cleere. In Sir A.M.'s MSS. there are eight notices, in two of which* he is styled "Johannes Malet Miles Dominus de Enemere filius et haeres Baldwini Malet Militis Ed. I." In another he styles himself "Johannes Malet miles filius et haeres Baldwini Malet Militis." The other entries are of no particular interest, except one, which appears to be an extract from the Devonshire post-mortem inquest dated 16 Edward I, A.D. 1288,** from which, besides the names of some of his possessions, we learn that his son and heir Baldwin was then of the age of four years.
There existed a Thomas Malet of Deandon, Knight, son of John, who was, it is presumed, a younger brother of Baldwin, John Malet's son and heir. There was also a Thomas Malet, Knight the shire for Nottinghamshire, 4 and 5 Edward II, A.D. 1311-12, and 33 Edward III, A.D. 1366; I do not know if these persons are identical.
Sir A.M.'s MSS., Vol. I, Sup. II, p. 16.
Haec est finalis concordia inter Johannem Malet Dominum de Enemere et Galfridum Furneaux filium Ricardi de Furneaux, Test: Johanne de Valletorta, Will'o Trivet, Johanne filio Galfridi. Militibus, Rogero Gotehurst, Reymundo Malet. Dat: apud Somerton 8 Edward I [A.D. 1280].
Page 6.--Johannes filius Willielmi de parva Lutton sal: Nov: me concessisse Johanni filio Baldwini Malet tres acras terrae in Sutton Malet. Test: Will'o Trivet, Johanne filio Galfridi, Militibus, et aliis. Without date.
Page 17.-- Johannes Malet, Miles, Dominus de Enemere, filius et haeres Baldwini Malet, Militis, Edward 1st. Without date.
Page 46.-- Johannes Malet, Miles, filius et haeres Baldwini Malet, Militis, sal: Nov: me concessisse Will'o le Marshall de Cedon terram in Holwill habend: etc. Test: Will'o de Mortuomari, Constabulario Taunton, Gilberto de Wollavington, Rico Pike, Rob't Burey, et aliis. Without date.
** Johannes Malet tenuit 96 acras terrae, 14 ac'i prati, quoddam vastum 14s. 6d. redd: de liber: ten: et 37s. 6d. annui redd: villanorum in Deandon de haerede Almarici de S'to Amando p: soccag: reddendo inde dicto haerdi 15s. pro omni servito. Idem tenuit de Johanne de Grendon 5s. annui redd: in Grenedon p: soccag: reddendo inde 18s. pro omni serviito. Idem tenuit de Michaele de Slipwicke 2s. annui redd: de uno lib: ten: in Cadetrive et de reddit: annual: villanorum in Cadetrive et Sholeford 19s. de dicto Michaele p: serv: mil: reddendo, etc. Idem tenuit quasdam terras et ten: in Deandon de Abbatia de Buckfastlegh p: serv: mil: etc. Baldwinus est filius et haeres dicti Johannis Malet et aetat: 4 ann: 16mo Edward I. [A.D.1288.]