- MALLETT, Oliver of Ayshe in Iddesleigh
Date of Will 22 Nov. 1644
Proved 1 Feb. 1661
I have by deed conveyed to my dau. Suzan Mallett my lands in Stapleford and Upcott in Hatherleigh (with proviso that if my son Wm. pays her £100 the grant is void) I now grant to Suzan a quarter of the rectory of Lynton.
My sons John M. and Emanuell M.
My son William Malletts 4 children £5 at 21.
My daughter Margery Old and her son Oliver,
Residue to Will. Mallett my son, executor.
Witnesses: Hw: Stofford, Geo. Potter.
Cod. 27 Dec. 1644.
By deed of 20 July 1643 I granted to John and Emanuel
my sons the rectory of Lynton: I now grant them each an annuity
of £5 from Ayshe.
Nicholas Westlake holds of me certain ld. called Waterhouse in Monckokehampton: one moiety of sd. land to John my son and the other to Emanuell; unless William my son pays them £20 each when grant shall be void.
Ashe to go to my son Wm. and his heirs male on body of Ulalia his late wife decd.
Witnesses as above.
Codicil undated.
To Eleanor d. of my son Will. Mallett the revers. of ten. and cottage now in the ten. of John Davy the elder for her life, after death of John Davy.
witnesses as above and Jane Speccott.
Inv. 28 Jan. 1661 by Simon Cupper and John Davy.
(Archd. Of Barum)
- Principle Registry Bishop of Exeter.
MALLETT, Hugh, of Iddesleigh.
Date of Will 16 Feb. 1688.
Proved 20 Nov. 1694.
February 16 1688. I Hugh Mallett the elder of Iddesleigh gentleman do make my last will & testament.
I commend my soul to Almighty God, and my body to Christian burial.
To the poor of the parish of Iddesleigh 10s.
I bequeath to Philip Furze of Spreaton, George Lethbridge of Jacobstowe, Samuel John of Bideford and Henry Babb of Yarnescombe gents, all my rents, tenements messuages &c ---
That is to say my messuage or Barton called Ash in Iddesleigh, Stapleford, Upcott, and Waterhouse in the parishes of Hatherleigh and Monkokehampton, the messuage in Hatherleigh called Stableford moor, and tenements in Dowland the possession of William Liverton, and the messuage in Abbats Bickington known by the name of Yoldon in the occupation of Humphrey Braddon all that messuage in Iddesleigh called Middlewood als Hunte in the possession of Henry Hale and my cottage called Adams Barton in the occupation of John Handcock and Gregory Peeters and all houses buildings gardens orchards messuages pasture underwood &c thereunto belonging, for the term of thirty years after my decease, and after the expiration of that term I devise the said messuages &c to William Mallett my eldest son during his natural life, and I devise the said trustees during the life of my son William Mallett to preserve the contingent remainder.
After the death of William Mallett my will is that the estates are to succeed to the eldest son of the said William Mallett, and his issue, and in default of such issue to his second son, and so to every son in succession and in default of their issue to my second son Hugh Mallett and his heirs for ever.
The Trustees to employ the rent and issues of the above premises for the said term to the maintenance and education of my children until they are twenty one years of age. And whereas I have granted one lease bearing date Sept 20 last past of 99 years, determinable on the deaths of Hugh Mallett Gartrude and Jane Mallett my son and daughters, of certain messuages and tenements at Crediton to George Lethbridge and Samuel Johns for the raising of £200 for the payment of such portions as I should by my will appoint ---
That is to say to my daughter Elisabeth £500, £200 two years after my death, and the residue of £300 four years later.
To my son Hugh Mallett £300 when he is twenty one.
To my daughters Gartrude and Jane £20 apiece when they are twenty one.
The Said Trustees shall have full power to dispose of the sum of £300? or any part of it, for the use and benefit of my son Hugh Mallett either for the putting or placing him as an apprentice or otherwise
I empower my son William Mallett after he is of twentyone years to devise or grant the messuage of Ash in trust for the use of such woman, or women, as may be his wife.
If my sons William and Hugh shall die before they are 21 unmarried, then I bequeath my Barton of Ash in Iddesleigh to Hugh Mallett son of my brother Gyles Mallett and his heirs, and in default of such issue to William Mallett second son of my brother Gyles and in default of his issue to John Mallett third son of my brother Gyles, and in default of issue to the right heirs of me Hugh Mallett for ever.
And any sons of my brother Gyles who shall enjoy my Barton of Ashe shall pay my daughters £100 to be divided equally among them.
My will is that if my son William, or any other do molest or disturb the said Trustees, they shall first pay the said Trustees £200, and then I do devise to the said Trustees all my messuage called Stableford in Hatherleigh and Monkokehampton.
Also I devise that the said sum or £500 bequeathed to my daughter Elizabeth shall be in full satisfaction of the like sum mentioned in a deed of settlement made on my first marriage.
My wife Joane Mallett to have reasinable use, but no other property in three beds with all the furniture thereto belonging.
And of such other goods as the sale trustees shall think fit for the use of my said wife and children as long as she remains a widow, but if she fortune to marry my executors or to make the best advantage thereof for the use of my children.
The said Trustees to be the executors of this my will and testament.
Hugh Mallett
(seal with the Mallett arms)
William Arnold John Hooper
Richard Green
Henry Pitts
Proved 20 Nov. 1694.
Attrue and perfect Inventorie Indented & made of all the goods and chattels of Hugh Mallett late of Iddesleigh, Co. Devon, gent., deceased. Taken 9 June A.D. 1694 by Richard Brook, Robert Jefferay & Richard Hane as followeth:
£ S D
Imprimis Aparrel & money in purse 20 0 0
Eight oxen 10 0 0
Eleven cows & a bull 36 0 0
Eight two year old cattle 37 0 0
& 9 yearlings
Eight calves 6 0 0
Five labour horses & two 20 0 0
Seventy four sheep 48 lambs 26 18 0
18 Pigges 10 10 0
Geese Turkes & other pullen 13 1
11 acres of whette 27 10 0
(West Country Studies Library - Murray series III)