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'The Green Trunk Mystery'
"The Green Trunk Mystery"
This is a story that appeared in the November 1948 issue of "True Detective" magazine. Fred Mallett, in his capacity as a Portland Police Detective, is mentioned several times. Fred was dead by the time this was published, and the precise date that the murder occurred is not stated, but the story begins with "On the night of Monday, June 20th", and ends with references to Governor Oswald West of Oregon, two pieces of information that allow us to pinpoint the year in which the murder must have occurred. Governor West served a single term, from January 1911 to January 1915, so his role obviously fits within that time frame. June 20th fell on a Monday in 1910, so that must be when the crime was committed.
<a href='' target='_blank'>'The Spirit of Victoria Past, Present, and Future: Writer Viola Pratt and Actress Jane Mallett Recall How Victori
"The Spirit of Victoria Past, Present, and Future: Writer Viola Pratt and Actress Jane Mallett Recall How Victori
<a href='' target='_blank'>'The Spirit of Victoria Past, Present, and Future: Writer Viola Pratt and Actress Jane Mallett Recall How Victori
"The Spirit of Victoria Past, Present, and Future: Writer Viola Pratt and Actress Jane Mallett Recall How Victori
Bunhill Fields Cemetery Map
Bunhill Fields Cemetery Map
Map of the Bunhill Fields Cemetery, showing the grave locations of some of the more prominent people buried there.
Courtesy The City of London.
Children of Henry Mallett and Mary Brimacombe
Children of Henry Mallett and Mary Brimacombe
Mary Thorne Mallett Henriod's handwritten list of the names and birthdates of the children of Henry Mallett and Mary (Brimacombe) Mallett.
Christmas Card
Christmas Card
Christmas card sent by "Harry" Mallett to his sister Mary Thorne Mallett Henriod in 1908 (now in the possession of Gwen Young).

Courtesy Gwen Young and Karl Whittington.
Christmas Card
Christmas Card
Christmas card sent by "Harry" Mallett to his sister Mary Thorne Mallett Henriod in 1908 (now in the possession of Gwen Young).

Courtesy Gwen Young and Karl Whittington.
Edith Spargo (Rillston) Mallett Obituary
Edith Spargo (Rillston) Mallett Obituary
Courtesy Wayne Mallett
Florence Mallett Obituary
Florence Mallett Obituary
Courtesy Wayne Mallett.
Fred Mallett Obituary
Fred Mallett Obituary
Frederick Lee Mallett Discharge Certificate
Frederick Lee Mallett Discharge Certificate
Frederick Lee Mallett had to serve part of his apprenticeship working on board a ship, in this case the SS Enmore. This vessel used to travel regularly between Britain, India and British Guyana in central America collecting indentured migrants to work the plantations in Guyana. It is not known if Frederick actually travelled overseas, but this document shows that he only served on it for 4 months. The name of the vessel is interesting and coincidental, as Enmore in Somerset has strong Mallet associations.

Courtesy Richard Mallett.
Frederick Lee Mallett Imperial Service Medal.
Frederick Lee Mallett Imperial Service Medal.
Granted 6th May, 1915, "in recognition of your meritorious services as an officer in Portsmouth Dockyard".

Courtesy Richard Mallett.
Frederick Lee Mallett Indenture
Frederick Lee Mallett Indenture
This is the actual legal document for Frederick Lee Mallett's apprenticeship at Holman's yard in Topsham. An apprenticeship lasted seven years and this document goes into some detail about his wages, etc.

Courtesy Richard Mallett.
Frederick Mallett Obituary
Frederick Mallett Obituary
Funeral Card
Funeral Card
Funeral Card for Mary Thorne (Mallett) Henriod (now in possession of Cheri Theurer).

Courtesy Cheri Theurer and Karl Whittington.
Hugh Montague Henry Mallet Obituary
Hugh Montague Henry Mallet Obituary
Image Courtesy Randy Mallet, Argentina.
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Funeral Card (cover) for Mary Thorne (Mallett) Henriod (now in possession of Cheri Theurer).

Courtesy Cheri Theurer and Karl Whittington.
John Mallet Sales Docket
John Mallet Sales Docket
An original sales receipt for some plumbing items purchased by Captain Gunett on the 21st December 1813. The final bill appears to be 8s and 10d and was probably signed by an employee of John Mallet.

Courtesy Richard Mallett.
Letter from Queen Victoria appointing Hugh Mallet as British Consul for various provinces in Argentina.
Letter from Queen Victoria appointing Hugh Mallet as British Consul for various provinces in Argentina.
Image Courtesy Randy Mallet, Argentina.
Mallet's Mortar
Mallet's Mortar
Designed by Robert Mallet, it remains the largest bore artillery ever built.

Courtesy Richard Mallett.
Map of American Fork, Utah, c. 1855
Map of American Fork, Utah, c. 1855
Hand drawn map of the original settlement, showing the locations of the original settlers, dated 1855 to 1858.
Mary Thorne Mallett Henriod Obituary
Mary Thorne Mallett Henriod Obituary
Obituary for Mary Thorne Mallett Henriod from the American Fork Citizen newspaper. This was scanned from a microfilm found at the Family History Library at Brigham Young University (from a microfilmed scrapbook). It cannot be found at any other location.

Courtesy Karl Whittington.
Native Daughters of the Golden West Life Sketch
Native Daughters of the Golden West Life Sketch
Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Volume 24 Page 406

Scanned from microfilm at the California State Library, Sacramento, California USA

Note: This was written by her son and erroneously shows she was born in Jersey.

Courtesy Karl Whittington.
Needlepoint Sampler
Needlepoint Sampler
Created by Mary Thorne Mallett about 1837, age 9.

Courtesy Madeleine Hicks and Karl Whittington.
Obituary for Catherine Mallett Larkin
Obituary for Catherine Mallett Larkin
Taken from the October 27, 1914 Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California (column 2).
Obituary for Catherine Mallett Larkin
Obituary for Catherine Mallett Larkin
Taken from the October 27, 1914 Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California (column 2).
Richard Lee Mallett: Holman Reference
Richard Lee Mallett: Holman Reference
A letter of reference from Holman & Sons, Shipbuilders of Topsham to HM Dockyard Portsmouth commending Frederick to his new employers. This is the key document confirming the link between Topsham and Portsmouth.

Courtesy Richard Mallett.